
Barleygreen | Supplements | Skincare

Barleygreen has changed many lives with its positive impact on their health. Hear from them yourself!



Barleygreen Healed My Cronic Eczema and Changed My Life

Shirley Tan, 60, Founder of Benchmark Lifesytle

My skin problem started when a small patch of eczema appeared behind my knees. Little did I know that the innocent patch would grow into a 3 year skin nightmare. The tiny patch soon spread and affected my whole body. Doctors prescribed daily oral steroids, anti-histamines, and steroid creams but my condition did not improve. I was hospitalised twice to prevent my condition from worsening. My skin was not only covered with eczema, it was also intensely itchy, thinned out by the steroids and had fine hair line cracks. A daily enjoyable activity like taking a shower was an ordeal because the chlorine in the water would sting my damaged skin. Then, a friend introduced Barleygreen to me and life took an extraordinary turn. I started taking Barleygreen in small doses, 2 tsp for the first 3 days, increasing by 2 tsp every 3 days until I was taking 8-10 tsp daily. The water retention from taking steroids cleared, intense itching stopped and my skin started to heal! All the eczema cleared within the month. After 3 years of poor sleeping patterns, for the first time, my life was back to normal. I continued with 8-10 tsp for 6 months and reduced the dosage gradually. Now I am on 3-4 tsp daily and have not suffered from eczema since. Thank God for Barleygreen!


Speedy Recovery and Improved Cancer Markers

Saras, 46, Retired Teacher

I've been taking Barleygreen since 2004. I first noticed its effect within a month, I felt more energetic, my skin improved and over time, my cancer markers during routine checkups had become incredibly low.

I discovered the healing power of Barleygreen after I took a nasty fall. My X-rays confirmed that I had fractured and dislocated the 4th and 5th metatarsal of my right foot. I was supposed to wear a cast and was told that I might have to undergo a surgery to inset metal screws if the fracture did not heal well. 

Thankfully I called Shirley, who gave me what I consider life changing advice; she asked me to increase my Barleygreen intake to 6 tsp a day as it would help my body to better assimilate nutrients like calcium from my food. Barleygreen itself contains calcium. I faithfully adhered to her suggested dosage, 3 tsp in the morning and 3 tsp in the evening with soy milk.

When I returned to the hospital, the healing surprised my doctor. He said my foot was 90% better than before. In fact, my bone density had increased, an amazing feat considering my bones were nearly 50 years old! From then, I had full faith in Barleygreen. 


Barleygreen For All Generations in My Family

Dorothy Tan, 70s

I love Barleygreen, I’ve been taking it for years now, starting in the USA and then in Singapore through Benchmark Lifestyle as I could not find Barleygreen being sold elsewhere. I believe taking Barleygreen is my secret to staying young and healthy. Members of my Community Club don’t believe my age when I tell them, and cashiers don’t believe it when I take out my pioneer card. Since taking Barleygreen, I rarely fall sick or catch the flu.

My hubby used to laugh at me taking Barleygreen every morning. However, he soon jumped ship to join me when he had heart problems and high cholesterol. He would take Barleygreen with me every morning and his health started reaping the benefits.

My granddaughter had sinus problems and used to sneeze in the mornings. She started taking Barleygreen before going to school every morning and her sinus has improved to the point she no longer sneezes in the mornings and her overall health is better.


Barleygreen Saved My Dog

Tiffany Chuang, 26, PhD Student

About 5 years ago, my mother brought home a Rottweiller puppy. We promptly named her Hunny, but she was such a sad looking creature. Her figure was gaunt, her fur was patchy and her eyes were so dull. We rushed her to the vet. He took one look and advised us to put Hunny down. It would be the kindest thing to do he said as there was no hope of her ever being a happy, healthy dog.

Fortunately, Mum, a medical doctor decided that all Hunny needed was a good, nutritious diet to put things right. That's when we introduced Hunny to Dr Hagiwara's green Barley juice, Barleygreen. Our whole family had just started taking Barleygreen every day, and since it was making us feel fit and well, we thought it would work for Hunny as well.

We started Hunny out on one tbs of Barleygreen powder mixed with cold water every day, and in a few months Hunny looked like a different dog. Now all the vets comment that Hunny's fur is unusually soft and glossy for a Rottweiler. Hunny is also very much a happy, healthy dog defying the vet's gloomy prediction.


Improved Sinuses & A Stronger Immune System

Jeremy Thia, 30, Banker

Early this year in February, I decided to give Barleygreen a shot in a bid to improve my overall diet and health.

After 6 months, I noticed that my sinus issues had improved significantly and was sneezing less often. I also suffered less allergic attacks. I felt great and have become less dependent on my nasal spray or medication. I also fell sick less often. The bouts of cold that I used to frequently suffer from were reduced. When I did fall sick, I recovered quickly without any medication.

It has now been more than 10 months since I started on Barleygreen. I feel healthier and more energetic. My sinus issues have vastly improved and I have a much stronger immune system. Friend have also complimented me on my improved complexion.


Better Bowels

Ang Siew Kheng Pauline

My husband, daughter and I have always had irregular bowel movements, which can cause discomfort. Since starting on Barleygreen, the whole family has daily bowel movements.

We always take a bottle of Barleygreen tablets with us when we travel for the same reason. Travelling without constipation feels much better!

I have also noticed a vast improvement in my daughter's immunity. She used to have throat infections quite frequently and would take a while to recover. But now she seldom falls sick and when she does, she is able to recover quickly.

Barleygreen has surely been a fantastic addition to our daily diet.